

But there is one distinction that I would like to point out。

 Ive noticed that my friends with money talk about money。

 And I do not mean brag。

 Theyre interested in the subject。

  So I learn from them; and they learn from me。

 My friends; whom I know are in dire straits financially; do not like talking about money; business or investing。

 They often think it rude or unintellectual。

 So I also learn from my friends who struggle financially。

 I find out what not to do。

I have several friends who have generated over a billion dollars in their short lifetimes。

 The three of them report the same phenomenon: Their friends who have no money have never e to them to ask them how they did it。

 But they do e asking for one of two things; or both: 1。

 a loan; or 2。

 a job。

A WARNING: Dont listen to poor or frightened people。

 I have such friends; and I love them dearly; but they are the 〃Chicken Littles〃 of life。

  When it es to money; especially investments; 〃The sky is always falling。

〃 They can always tell you why something wont work。

 The problem is; people listen to them; but people who blindly accept doom…and…gloom information are also 〃Chicken Littles。

〃 As that old saying goes; 〃Chickens of a feather agree together。

If you watch CNBC; which is a goldmine of investment information; they often have a panel of so…called 〃experts。

〃 One expert will say the market is going to crash; and the other will say its going to boom。

 If youre smart; you listen to both。

 Keep your mind open because both have valid points。

 Unfortunately; most poor people listen to 〃Chicken Little。

I have had more close friends try to talk me out of a deal or an investment。

 A few years ago; a friend told me he was excited because he found a 6 percent certificate of deposit。

 I told him I earn 16 percent from the state government。

 The next day he sent me an article about why my investment was dangerous。

 I have received 16 percent for years now; and he still receives 6 percent。

I would say that one of the hardest things about wealth building is to be true to yourself and be willing to not go along with the crowd。

 For in the market; it is usually the crowd that shows up late and is slaughtered。

 If a great deal is on the front page; its too late in most instances。

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