


 Play it safe; but start early。

  Start accumulating your nest egg early because it will take time。

But if you have dreams of freedom…of getting out of the rat race… the first question to ask yourself is; 〃How do I respond to failure?〃 If failure inspires you to win; maybe you should go for it…but only maybe。

 If failure makes you weak or causes you to throw temper tantrums…like spoiled brats who call an attorney to file a lawsuit every time something does not go their way…then play it safe。

 Keep your daytime job。

 Or buy bonds or mutual funds。

 But remember; there is risk in those financial instruments also; even though they are safer。

I say all this; mentioning Texas and Fran Tarkenton; because stacking the asset column is easy。

 Its really a low…aptitude game。

 It doesnt take much education。

 Fifth…grade math will do。

 But staking the asset column J is a high…attitude game。

 It takes guts; patience and a great attitude toward failure。

 Losers avoid failing。

 And failure turns losers into winners。

 Just remember the Alamo。

Reason No。


 Overing cynicism。

 〃The sky is falling。

 The sky is falling。

〃 Most of us know the story of 〃Chicken Little;〃 who ran around warning the barnyard of impending doom。

 We all know people who are that way。

 But we all have a 〃Chicken Little〃 inside each of us。

And as I stated earlier; the cynic is really a little chicken。

 We all get a little chicken when fear and doubt cloud our thoughts。

All of us have doubts。

  〃Im not smart。

〃 〃Im not good enough。

〃 〃So  and so is better than me。

〃 Or our doubts often paralyze us。

 We play the。

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