

Rich dad looked over at me to see if I was still listening。

 His eyes met mine。

 We stared at each other; streams of munication going between us through our eyes。

 Finally; I pulled away once I had absorbed his last message。

 I knew he was right。

 I was blaming him; and I did ask to learn。

 I was fighting。

Rich dad continued。

 〃Or if youre the kind of person who has no guts; you just give up every time life pushes you。

 If youre that kind of person; youll live all your life playing it safe; doing the right things; saving yourself for some event that never happens。

 Then; you die a boring old man。

 Youll have lots of friends who really like you because you were such a nice hard…working guy。

 You spent a life playing it safe; doing the right things。

 But the truth is; you let life push you into submission。

 Deep down you were terrified of taking risks。

 You really wanted to win; but the fear of losing was greater than the excitement of winning。

 Deep inside; you and only you will know you didnt go for it。

  You chose to play it safe。

Our eyes met again。

 For ten seconds; we looked at each other; only pulling away once the message was received。

〃Youve been pushing me around〃 I asked。

〃Some people might say that;〃 smiled rich dad。

 〃I would say that I just gave you a taste of life。

〃What taste of life?〃 I asked; still angry; but now curious。

 Even ready to learn。

〃You boys are the first people that have ever asked me to teach them how to make money。

 I have more than 150 employees; and not one of them has asked me what I know about money。

 They ask me for a job and a paycheck; but never to teach them about money。

 So most will spend the best years of their lives working for money; not really understanding what it is they are working for。

I sat there listening intently。

〃So when Mike told me about you wanting to learn how to make money; I decided to design a course that was close to real life。

 I could talk until I was blue in the face; but you wouldnt hear a thing。

 So I decided to let life push you around a bit so you could hear me。

 Thats why I only paid you 10 cents。

〃So what is the lesson I learned from working for only 10 cents an hour?〃 I asked。

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