

So why bother developing your financial IQ? No one can answer that but you。

 Yet; I can tell you why I myself do it。

  I do it because it is the most exciting time to be alive。

 Id rather be weling change than dreading change。

  Id rather be excited about making millions than worrying about not getting a raise。

 This period we are in now is a most exciting time; unprecedented in our worlds history。

 Generations from now; people will look back at this period of time and remark at what an exciting era it must have been。

 It was the death of the old and birth of the new。

 It was full of turmoil and it was exciting。

So why bother developing your financial IQ? Because if you do; you will prosper greatly。

 And if you dont; this period of time will be a frightening one。

 It will be a time of watching people move boldly forward while others cling to decaying life rings。

Land was wealth 300 years ago。

 So the person who owned the land owned the wealth。

 Then; it was factories and production; and America rose to dominance。

 The industrialist owned the wealth。

 Today; it is information。

 And the person who has the most timely information owns the wealth。

 The problem is; information flies all around the world at the speed of light。

 The new wealth cannot be contained by boundaries and borders as land and factories were。

 The changes will be faster and more dramatic。

 There will be a dramatic increase in the number of new multimillionaires。

 There also will be those who are left behind。

Today; I find so many people struggling; often working harder; simply because they cling to old ideas。

 They want things to be the way they were; they resist change。

  I know people who are losing their jobs or their houses; and they blame technology or the economy or their boss。

 Sadly they fail to realize that they might be the problem。

 Old ideas are their biggest liability。

  It is a liability simply because they fail to realize that while that idea or way of doing something was an asset yesterday; yesterday is gone。

One afternoon I was teaching investing using a board game I had invented; CASHFLOW; as a teaching tool。

 A friend had brought someone along to attend the class。

 This friend of a friend was recently divorced; had been badly burned in the divorce settlement; and was now searching for some answers。

 Her friend thought the class might help。

The game was designed to help people learn how money works。

 In playing the game; they learn about the interaction of the ine statement with the balance sheet。

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