

“Let’s go somewhere to celebrate;”

 Dan decided。

 Vanessa deserved it。

Vanessa smiled giddily。

 For a second; she imagined what Hollis would say if he heard about the grant; but then she pushed the thought out of her mind。

 She didn’t need him anymore。

 “Can we go to that hummus place? I’m starving!”


 Dan turned on his heel; heading toward the hole…in…the…wall on the corner that had a different name every month。

 He loved that Vanessa considered hummus celebratory。

 “I’m hungry too。

 They just had those teeny…tiny chicken skewers and pigs in a blanket at the Iowa thing。”

Vanessa wrinkled her nose。

 “Besides that; how was it?”

 She asked as she fell into step with Dan。

 She’d forgotten he wouldn’t be in New York next year; either。

“It was amazing;”

 he told her eagerly。

 “A couple of the professors were there; and it’s really intense。

 These are all guys who’ve won Pushcarts and been short…listed for the National Book Award。”

 He shrugged and opened the door。

 The restaurant was empty except for one lone employee behind the counter。

 “I just can’t wait to really work with them; you know? Just immerse myself in writing;”

 he said as he sat at one of the rickety tables in the corner。

“I’ll order。

 I know what you always get。”

 Vanessa headed to the counter and returned with a tray laden with pita bread and bowls of hummus; and falafel balls。

 Dan took a bite of falafel; then passed the rest to Vanessa。

 Vanessa smiled。

 They always used to share food。


 Dan pulled his hand back; as if he saw Vanessa’s hesitation as rejection。

“No; I want it;”

 she said; accepting the half…eaten falafel。

“So; are you really ready to leave New York?”

 Dan asked。

 It was weird to think about Vanessa leaving。

 Even though he hadn’t really spent any time with her in the past year; it had been forting to see her camera on the counter; her army green messenger bag by the door; her boxes of Sleepytime tea in the cabinets。

“I won’t know until I’m gone;”

校花古游记  守护甜心之心梦微凉  天灾末世,我靠囤货建世外桃源  梦华传说  第一名男友  早安,幽灵小姐  女王的裙摆~  混沌轮回决  霸绝天  跨界内娱顶流歌手  遇女心惊  轩辕·绝  涿鹿·炎的最后王孙  飘渺之旅(1)  洪荒凌霄录  九界前传  老板,笑一个  封神天子  砂隐村的守鹤老师  混沌修真诀