

Jenny meekly slid off Nate’s lap and followed Eleanor to a seat next to a shaggy…haired guy about her age。

 She glanced down the length of the table; where Nate was staring into his glass of wine; looking lonely。

 She sighed unhappily。

 Now they were separated。

Calm down; Juliet。

 It’s just dinner。


 You’re Jenny; right?”

 the boy next to her asked。

Jenny nodded; even though she had no idea who he was。

“Didn’t you go to some boarding school?”

 he continued; brushing his shaggy bangs out of his large brown eyes。

“Yeah; I went to Waverly; but now I’m at RISD;”

 Jenny said distractedly; watching Nate awkwardly make conversation across the table with Blair’s chubby; red…faced stepfather。

“I’m Tyler;”

 he told her。

 “Blair’s brother。”

“Nice to meet you。”

 Jenny nodded。

 “Are you in school?”

 she asked to be polite。


 He shook his head。

 “I graduated a year early back in LA。

 I’m just DJ’ing around town for the next couple of months。”

 He shrugged。


 Jenny murmured。

 She was dimly aware that before meeting Nate; she would have been ridiculously attracted to Tyler。

 Delaying college to DJ sounded so cool and downtown。

 But at the end of the table was Nate scraping his chair back and heading toward her。

 Her heart skipped a beat。

 The only good thing about being separated; even if it was only for five minutes; was how amazing it felt when they saw each other again。

“You holding up; Meow?”

 Nate asked sweetly before turning to Tyler。

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