

ook the tray from the side table and brought it back to the bed; balancing it on her knees。

 Her boyfriend had deserted her。

 She didn’t have to worry about calories。

It had been four days since Pete had gone to stay with his brother Jason in Philadelphia。

 Since then; Blair had barely left the Tribeca Star。

 She’d been ordering room service; but room service was never fun when you had no one to share it with; and she’d caught up on all of her favorite gossip blogs and online shopping sites until she felt like she’d reached the end of the Internet。

 She’d meant for this break to be relaxing; a reward for surviving an academically challenging semester。

 Instead; it was more stressful than an early morning final exam。

The hotel room looked like it had just been cleaned by the maid service; even though she’d placed a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the doorknob Saturday morning。

 She’d kept the room clean just so it would be ready for Pete whenever he came back。

 It was only now that she realized he probably wasn’t ing back。

 All of her phone calls had gone directly to voice mail。

 All of her texts had been unanswered。

Last semester; she’d taken a psychology class in which they learned about the five stages of loss。

 Right now; Blair had just passed stage one—denial—and was in stage two: anger。

 How could Pete do this to her? At least she’d been honest with him。

Blair pushed her anemic…looking omelet around on her plate; suddenly losing her appetite。

 It was cold and she was tempted to call the downstairs restaurant and plain; just to have the satisfaction of hearing someone apologize to her。

Or the chance to speak to another human being?

She unearthed her iPhone from the depths of her white down forter; but dialed her mother instead。

“Hello; Blair darling;”

 Eleanor Waldorf answered the phone breathily。

 “I’m just in the middle of my private doga session。

 Mookie loves it!

 I may not let Aaron bring him back to Boston;”

 she trilled; naming Blair’s stepbrother and his mangy mutt。

“Hi; Mom;”

 Blair sighed。

 She was immediately reminded why she didn’t often call her mother。

 Eleanor Waldorf had always been slightly batty; but living in LA had pushed her over the edge。

 Now; in addition to a maid and a chef on the payroll; she also had a reflexologist; an astrologist; and a crystal…arts healer。

 And apparently; a dog…yoga teacher; too。

It takes a village。

“So; how is New York?”

 Eleanor asked; doga forgotten。

Blair shrugged; even though her mom couldn’t see her。

 She flipped the channels on the muted TV; setting down the remote when she got to an old black…and…white film。

九界前传  守护甜心之心梦微凉  涿鹿·炎的最后王孙  霸绝天  跨界内娱顶流歌手  洪荒凌霄录  封神天子  砂隐村的守鹤老师  天灾末世,我靠囤货建世外桃源  女王的裙摆~  校花古游记  轩辕·绝  遇女心惊  老板,笑一个  混沌轮回决  梦华传说  飘渺之旅(1)  第一名男友  早安,幽灵小姐  混沌修真诀