

There are many people in the world of money; finances and investments who have absolutely no idea what theyre talking about。

 Most people in the money industry are just spouting off sales pitches like used…car salesmen。

When you know you are ignorant in a subject; start educating yourself by finding an expert in the field or find a book on the subject。


Getting Started

I wish I could say acquiring wealth was easy for me; but it wasnt。

So in response to the question 〃How do I start?〃 I offer the thought process I go through on a day…by…day basis。

 It really is easy to find great deals。

 I promise you that。

 Its just like riding a bike。

 After a little wobbling; its a piece of cake。

 But when it es to money; its the determination to get through the wobbling thats a personal thing。

To find million…dollar 〃deals of a lifetime〃 requires us to call on our financial genius。

 I believe that each of us has a financial genius within us。

 The problem is; our financial genius lies asleep; waiting to be called upon。

 It lies asleep because our culture has educated us into believing that the love of money is the root of all evil。

 It has encouraged us to learn a profession so we can work for money; but failed to teach us how to have money work for us。

 It taught us not to worry about our financial future; our pany or the government would take care of us when our working days are over。

 However; it is our children; educated in the same school system; who will end up paying for it。

 The message is still to work hard; earn money and spend it; and when we run short; we can always borrow more。

Unfortunately; 90 percent of the Western world subscribes to the above dogma; simply because its easier to find a job and work for money。

 If you are not one of the masses; I offer you the following ten steps to awaken your financial genius。

 I simply offer you the steps I have personally followed。

  If you want to follow some of them; great。

 If you dont; make up your own。

 Your financial genius is smart enough to develop its own list。

While in Peru; with a gold miner of 45 years; I asked him how he was so confident about finding a gold mine。

 He replied; 〃There is gold everywhere。

 Most people are not trained to see it。

And I would say that is true。

 In real estate; I can go out and in a day e up with four or five great potential deals; while the average person will go out and find nothing。

  Even looking in the same neighborhood。

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